Touring photographic exhibition by Les Monaghan

6 September 2017

Relative Poverty began touring all 25 of Doncaster’s libraries from 8 May this year. It will be shown in St John’s church, Balby, South Yorkshire, from July and has just been shown in Sheffield Central Library. The exhibition will hang above bookshelves for one month in each of Doncaster’s libraries.

Les Monaghan is a photographic political artist. Les is interested in the way in which images and words can work together to help people see things afresh. His work helps people to break through their preconceptions, and aims to reveal the true values we all share, behind the artificial differences that divide us.

Les grew up in an RAF family, finally settling in Doncaster aged 15. He grew interested in photography and its possible political impact. After a time working at a local newspaper, which he found dispiriting, Les turned his attention to political art. He is currently working on a project called Relative Poverty which aims to reveal something of the reality of poverty in modern Britain, behind the statistics, stigma and rhetoric

The amount of money Dave had in his pocket

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